Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Day of 97 Years

Hello.  It's the second day of February.  It was like Spring this morning, really it was.  Now it looks like gloom out there.  Larry, Diane, Gail and I walked to Jamaica Pond this morning.  We opted not to go all the way around but partway was great.  We still got in about 3 miles we figured.  

What is 97 years all about, you ask?  Well, I'll tell you.  We discovered that we each have a grandparent who lived to that ripe old age!  Pretty amazing on it's own but wait til you hear about Gail's grandfather.  He divorced his 3rd wife when he was 96!  First divorce in the family, what a scandal that must have been!  And Diane's grandfather smoked 5 packs of cigarettes a day--or maybe that was her father.  But her grandfather and Larry's both smoked and I believe I remember hearing about a glass or 2 (or 3) of whiskey in there somewhere.  I didn't actually have anyone live to 97 in my family, there actually isn't much longevity there.  But I have high hopes that the diseases which took my parents and grandparents--none of which were hereditary--will long be cured before my time comes.  And if you add up my father's 34 years and my mother's 65, you get 99.  I don't smoke (any more) and I don't drink (too much) and I eat well (between sugar cravings) so I just may last forever! (did you hear that universe?!!)

You may recall this photo.  Or not.  I'm recycling photos because I just didn't have it in me to pull out my phone for any photo opps.  Should have asked Gail to do it....oh, no, she was struggling with her new iPhone just receiving a call!  And Louise wasn't actually with us today, she's in Ohio somewhere, I think.  She and Danny are celebrating Groundhog Day in style.  Not that they were much help in influencing that groundhog.  He saw his shadow and now we have 6 more weeks of winter.  Or did he not see his shadow?  I'm actually not sure which it was, but there's more winter coming.  (Of course I think that usually happens about this time of year anyway.) 

And this photo of geese and ducks could have been taken this morning.  Right?!  Well except that the pond was frozen over today.  But the animals were there.

There was something else funny I wanted to mention and for the life of me I can't remember it.  Oh well.  I'll probably remember it right after I press PUBLISH.

So let's do it.  Have a great week all.


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