Sunday, August 5, 2012

Clearly we Needed a Longer Walk Today

My die-hard walking buddies showed up at 9:30 on yet another hot Sunday morning in New England. We took a short route today, then stood in a shady spot for another 15 minutes talking. Hence, the title. Lynn is off to Nantucket later and Louise is going to an air-conditioned movie theater (not sure she's watching a movie but it will be cool!) And I'm sitting at my computer. I seem to live here. It centers me. If anyone else sits in this chair I start to shake....really!

I figured something out about the blog-world today. We wondered why followers weren't getting email notifications each time I posted. Apparently I needed to make a list of email addresses to whom notifications would be sent, unrelated to followers -- of which I have TWO! Which makes me wonder what the point is to being a follower... but enough wondering. So I made a list of 10 people--that's the limit--from the Hill Trekkers group. And some of you lucky few have now received a notification! I guessed at who would or wouldn't want one and might've gotten it wrong. So PLEASE let me know if you don't want one. Personally, not sure I'd want one! Or if you didn't get one and do want it, let me know -- I can always take Howard off the list, he's close enough to yell across the room.

On to more interesting things....I guess you're wondering what the blue origami crane is doing up there. Or not. Well, we saw a tall, sleek bird at Muddy River this morning. I thought it was an Egret because, well, that's the only tall sleek bird I know! Lynn said it was a Crane. (I'd forgotten about those.) Last time I tried to photograph the fella he ran off so I didn't even try today. I searched Google images for cranes and couldn't find any that looked like ours but their necks seemed too curvy. Lynn, Louise, what do you think, except for the color, is this what we saw today? I think even this neck is too curvy. I just Googled "tall sleek bird" and here are some examples of what I found:

I think it may be time to take my leave now!! 
Have a great week,


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