Sunday, August 4, 2013

I had the first line composed in my head...

....while I was meditating this morning. It was to be: We were all women today. Which isn't so unusual except that I composed it in advance, which I never usually do. And then Howard decided to join us. I'm very glad he came of course, but he spoiled my first line. On the other hand, I now have a first paragraph!

You may have noticed that I said I was composing in my head while I meditated...I guess that's not so unusual either! Apparently the Dalai Lama's mind wanders while he meditates, too, so I'm in good company. For any of you who might actually have been following my meditation progress in terms of obliterating my back pain: it hasn't. And I'm very good, too. I do it twice a day for 15 minutes and the bio-feedback machine validates that I'm doing it well...but alas the statistics allow for a small percentage of those for whom it does not work; of which I seem to be one. BUT, I did notice that a certain MS occurrence that was driving me nuts for a long time did go away. Sure enough, I have since learned that meditating is good for MS too! So that, and knowing that my heart is getting a really good rest (better than during sleep, I'm told), I continue with enthusiasm. Except for those times when I've forgotten and you'll catch me running off uttering: Damn, I have to go meditate!

Gail, Lynn, Louise, Diane, and Howard at Jamaica Pond
Back to that walk this was a long one: 3.5 miles! We circled Jamaica Pond for the first time as a group. It was a perfect day for it, especially in the shade. Lots of dogs agreed with us and were out and about with their humans. 

Gail being silly!

Diane told us all about her recent trip to Israel for the first time. Apparently she was in tears the whole time...tears of joy, she assured us. What a mush! Actually I jest, I totally get it. I love Israel and was fortunate enough to have lived there for many years in an earlier life. I loved hearing her stories and reliving some of her experiences vicariously.

I noticed something about the number of walkers in the group. We were an even six and we automatically split into three groups of two. When Diane was the first to be dropped off before the final stretch, we became two and three. A pretty obvious dynamic because you can't really walk and talk four across a sidewalk but you can with three. For whatever that is worth... 

I think this last interesting tidbit is my signal to sign off! I will be away next weekend so hopefully we'll walk the week after...the reason I say hopefully is because Sophia will be home! And I doubt she'll want to come along. And I don't want to miss a moment of her being here! Of course she'll probably sleep right through it! So see you then :)

(For anyone who wanted the link to my video again, here it is. Put the volume way up. Ellen's video)


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